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There are many types of fire detection and alarm system, each designed to fulfil a particular need or suit particular circumstances. Often, it is not immediately obvious which is the best type of system for the job.
Here, we offer some basic information about the various types of fire detection and alarm system available and an insight into some of the factors you may want to take into consideration when choosing a system and a supplier...
Remember, we are always available to offer free, impartial advice and answer any questions you may have.
Intelligent Fire Detection Systems
More correctly called "analogue addressable" systems, these are probably the most common type of commercial fire alarm and detection system installed today. They provide huge benefits over the older "zoned, conventional" systems, both in terms of resistance to false alarms and in building management.
Read more about intelligent fire detection systems
Wireless Fire Detection Systems
These systems provide all of the benefits of intelligent systems plus, as the name suggests, they operate wirelessly and do not require cabling to be installed throughout a building. Chameleon Systems are approved distributors and installers of all three major brands of wireless fire detection systems.
There are many benefits to wireless systems. Read more
Aspirating Smoke Detection Systems
Aspirating smoke detection systems are a specialist method of smoke detection. They use plastic air sampling tubes to sample air from inside a risk area, which is then analysed by passing the air through a detection device. This device, which doesn’t need to be inside the risk area, then decides whether smoke is present in the air sample. ASD systems offer a number of significant benefits in certain applications including speed of detection and of being virtually invisible.
Read more about aspirating smoke detection systems
Voice Alarm Systems
Simple fire alarm systems sound bells or electronic sounders to raise the alarm. However, this can cause confusion, especially in public buildings, as people are unfamiliar with fire procedures and are not always sure what to do. Voice alarm systems, as part of an integrated fire detection and alarm system, play voice messages to building occupants, making it clear what they are expected to do.
Read about the benefits of voice alarm systems
Automatically Opening Smoke Vent Systems
Automatically Opening Vent (AOV) systems are often installed in staircases and other communal areas of larger building. They are designed such that when smoke is detected, smoke vents automatically open to release smoke from the area, helping to keep the area free of smoke so that occupants are able to escape the building more easily in the event of a fire.
These systems are a combination of mechanical ventilation packages, coupled to local smoke detection via a purpose designed control panel. Chameleon Systems provide a comprehensive maintenance service on all such systems.
Contact Us to find out more about AOV Systems
Equality Act 2010 Compliance
The Equality Act 2010, which replaced earlier DDA legislation, legally protects people with disabilities from discrimination. When it comes to fire safety systems within your premises, it is vital therefore that these are designed to protect everyone. This includes the provision of special facilities to cater for people that may not be able to respond to your normal fire procedures.
These facilities range from vibrating pillows in hotels, to visual as well as audible alarms, to disabled refuge facilities in high rise premises.
Compliance with this legislation can be complex. Chameleon Systems are, of course, highly experienced in this area and are ready to assist you!
Contact Us to find out more about Equality Act Compliant Systems