01753 893118

Emergency Lighting Systems are all designed to facilitate exit from a building in an emergency situation, when the normal lighting system and / or mains power has stopped working.
There are various types of emergency lighting, but all work on the same general principle in that lights are powered by rechargeable batteries. In the event of a mains failure, the lights come on automatically (or in the case of "maintained" emergency lights, which are normally on all the time) continue to operate on battery power.
Chameleon offer a complete range of emergency lighting systems including sophisticated, self-monitoring "intelligent" systems. We can provide a wide assortment of ornate or decorative fittings and fittings for particular environments.
As well as supplying complete systems, replacement or upgraded fittings, we also offer a complete maintenance service to BS5266 to ensure compliance with fire safety legislation, your risk assessments and the Regulatory Reform Order.